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  Family Life Ministry  
The *Joseph Fraternity (based on a study of the life of Joseph - Gen. 37-48):

By the grace of God, it shall be my intention :

1.  To practice the presence of God on a daily basis (Psalm 27:4).

2.  To run from sexual temptation because it is an offense against my God (1 Cor. 6:18-20).

3.  To humbly and faithfully serve the Lord no matter what my circumstances (1 Cor. 10:31).

4.  To forgive those who sin against me as I have been forgiven (Eph. 4:31-32).

*Presented by Rev. Dave McDowell at the Men's Retreat 2011

In this revised edition of the best-selling book The Measure of a Man, Gene Getz delivers the newly enhanced message of what it takes to be a man of God. Men will gain encouragement for what they can be in Christ—as fathers, husbands, and mentors to other men. Since 1974, The Measure of a Man has taught hundreds of thousands of men around the world how to live according to God’s direction—faithfully, lovingly and spiritually. True masculinity is not measured by a man’s strength, but by these 20 biblical guidelines. With life applications and words of inspiration, here is Gene’s greatest work—fully rewritten and updated to reach the new generation of modern men.
Since 1974, men around the world have practiced the biblical teaching in this book to live by God’s terms. Now you can follow in their footsteps to reach God’s standards as a father, a husband, and a mentor to other men—and Gene Getz tells you how to make the grade. True masculinity isn’t measured by strength but by these 20 biblical guidelines drawn from the apostle Paul’s letters to Timothy and Titus. With ideas for real-life applications and words of inspiration, here is Gene’s greatest work— fully rewritten and updated to speak in the most practical terms to men from every generation.
Internet Site Monitoring

Sites such as www.x3watch.com/ and others provide free monitoring of internet sites visited.  Men can place this software on their computer and have regular notifications of the sites they have visited sent to an accountability partner.  This helpful service provides accountability and is a great tool to battle against sexual temptation.
Sex Is Not The problem (Lust Is)

Lust isn't just a guy problem it's a human problem. And unless we honestly confront it, lust will destroy our relationships and our lives. Joshua Harris, author of the runaway bestseller I Kissed Dating Goodbye, calls a generation bombarded with images of sexual sin back to the freedom and joy of holiness. This "PG-rated" book straightforward without being graphic speaks to those entrenched in lust or just flirting with temptation. Honestly sharing his own struggles, Harris exposes lust's tactics and helps readers create a personal plan for fighting back. Men and women will find hope in God's grace and learn the secrets to lasting change. Neither sex nor sexuality is our enemy. We need to rescue our sexuality from lust so we can experience it as God intended. Bestselling author Joshua Harris shows you how lust deceives you. Specific and honest without being graphic, this book for both men and women will guide you in creating a custom plan for fighting lust and celebrating purity.

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