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  Family Life Ministry  
Family Worship
Resources for Family Worship

The Big Picture Bible by David R. Helm (Preschool).
 Read-Aloud Bible Stories, 4 volumes, by Ella K. Lindvall (Moody Press,
                   1982, 1985, 1990, 1995) (Toddler).
The Child’s Story Bible by Catherine Vos (4 – 12 yr. olds).
ESV Children’s Bible, English Standard Version, (Crossway, 2005, 2008).
Bible Stories:
Discovering Jesus in Genesis: Covenant Promises for Covenant Kids by Susan Hunt.
Discovering Jesus in Exodus: Covenant Promises for Covenant Kids by Susan Hunt.
Big Truths for Little Kids: Teaching Your Children to Live for God by Susan Hunt.
Grandpa’s Box: Retelling the Biblical Story of Redemption by Starr Meade.

Scripture Memory:
 My ABC Bible Verses: Hiding God’s Word in Little Hearts by Susan
              Hunt (Crossway, 1998).
 Truth and Grace Memory Books, volumes 1-3, by Thomas K. Ascol
               (Founders Press, 2005).
  I Can Say to God, I Love You by Carine MacKenzie, Prayer Board
                 Books series (Christian Focus, 2001).
  My Thankful Heart by Sally Lloyd-Jones, (Tyndale, 2004).
Audio Bibles:
 Inspired by the Bible Experience: Old and New Testament Audio CDs (Zondervan,
*a free audio version of the Bible is available for download at www.itunes.com
Seeds Family Worship (www.seedsmusicstore.com)
 Songs that Jesus Said: Scripture Into Music, by Keith and Kristyn Getty
                (Getty Music, 2005) (Toddlers).
Awesome God by Sovereign Grace Kids (Sovereign Grace Music, 2004) (Preschool).
 Hide the Word: Scripture Memory Songs, Volumes 1-8, by Mark Altrogge
                (Forever Grateful Music).

  www.famtime.com (Family Time Training)
  www.allprodad.com (Resources for Dads)

Training Hearts, Teaching Minds: Family Devotions Based on the Shorter Catechism
                      by Starr Meade.
http://www.westminstershortercatechism.net/ (full version of the Westminster Shorter Catechism - c. 1648).
Hosanna, Loud Hosanna, Student Hymnal compiled by David and Barbara Leeman, is a unique new resource every Christian parent should consider acquiring and using. The 115 selected hymns cover the Christian year, the attributes of God, and our responses to Him for all He’s done.  Moreover, each hymn is accompanied by three sections: “Text” (on the background of both author and song), “Tune” (on the melody), and “As You Sing This Hymn” (practical application for thought and life). 
Why sing hymns at home?  Because once learned, you can easily take a hymn with you wherever you go—from the playground, to the dinner table, to the hospital bedside.  Teaching your children these melodies and poems is almost as good as inserting a microchip into their brains filled with wonderful doctrinal and doxological content that they will be able to access the rest of their lives.
Consider: do you want to help your children think deeply about the things of God, to discover that worship is not just a surface emotion but something that engages the depths of their souls?  Hymns will help them to learn this way. No doubt some of the language is difficult. “His wonders to perform” isn’t natural English for us.  But our children are smart.  They’ll get it—if not the first time, then soon. 
Why has the Declaration of Independence or the Gettysburg Address stood the test of time?  Because they’re well written and based on enduring truths.  Great hymns, too, are based on timeless truths and are beautifully crafted both musically and lyrically.  The melodies are interesting, memorable, and well suited to the texts.  Excellent hymns are cross-denominational, cross-cultural, and even cross-generational.  When people sing them, they’re often moved intellectually and emotionally.  All this comes together to enable many hymns to outlast the tests of time.  Family Resource: Hosannas, Loud Hosannas, Student Hymnal (ISBN: 978-1-63452-041-6)

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