We are excited to announce that the Disciple’s Closet is up and running here at Hope Church!
Stop by and take a look, make a donation, or pick up some needed clothes before or after church on Sunday, or when the church office is open from 8:00AM-12:00PM Monday-Friday.
The Disciples Closet is a fantastic way for all of us to bless (and be blessed by) fellow members, with second hand clothes, shoes and accessories (such as shoes, belts, ties, scarves and hand bags).
We have had such a fantastic outpouring of donations that we have expanded into the first 2 rooms at the top of the stairs near the nursery. With the help of our volunteers, we have hung and organized a lot of clothes and are open for no-cost shopping!
When you donate clothes (pre-washed and bagged), they will directly bless other Hope Church families, some of which need the blessing of free second hand clothes. Additionally, they are going to Hope Church, so you can write off the value of the clothes on your taxes which will be a blessing to you.
All donations are to be left in the corner room beyond the Disciples Closet, and donation receipts are available by the door.
The first room has coats, shoes, accessories and children’s clothes; as well as bags for shopping and free hangers (not the ones that clothes are hanging on).
The second room has men’s and women’s clothing.
-If you take clothing off a rack and decide not to take it, please put it back in the appropriate area.
-Please leave all clear hangers and children’s hangers (that you take clothes off of) on the rack in the donation room.
-Although everything is free for the taking, as some families desperately need this blessing; we encourage you to consider making a donation to the Hope Church Missions Comission if you are able. (You can leave the donation in the offering plate in an envelope marked “Missions Commission - Disciples Closet”)
Please contact Titus Logsdon with questions on the Disciples Closet and Bruce Cutter with questions on the St. Pauly Clothing Shed.